Newsletter Term 1 Week 5 2025
From the Principal
Our New School Leaders
Conveyance Allowance
Tuckshop and CDF Pay Information
Sports Report
St Kieran’s Athletics Day - Thursday 20th March
NAPLAN - Yr 3-5
School Closure Day - Friday 7th March
Mental Health in Primary Schools
FREE Webinar 19 March 2025 - Digital Media Literacy & Safety (Part 1)
Mindfull Aus
Upcoming Events
Community News
From the Principal

A big thanks to all our families who participated in parent teacher interviews throughout last week. It is a crucial time of the school year where parents inform their child’s class teacher about important information that will assist the class teacher to build the best plan for each child. It allows teachers and parents to be on the same page with expectations such as home reading, learning number facts and home technology restrictions. Please try to contact your child’s class teacher if you missed the interview times.
Today the students celebrated Shrove Tuesday where they decorated pancakes and enjoyed eating them with their friends. A big thanks to Mrs Howard and the Year 6 students who prepared a small prayer in the hall for all our students and staff. Yesterday I was asked by a new parent the significance of Shrove Tuesday. Hopefully after today the students can all share with their families why we celebrate Shrove Tuesday the day before Ash Wednesday.
Traditionally during Lent, Christians would give up rich, tasty foods such as butter, eggs, sugar and fat (some Christians continue to do so, in fact). Shrove Tuesday was the last chance to eat them – and what better way to do so than with a delicious pancake!
Tomorrow our Mini Oblates and Mrs Marino will organise an Ash Wednesday Liturgy where the children will receive the ashes on their forehead in the form of a cross to begin the season of Lent.
Our New School Leaders
Names: Congratulations to Skylah and Harvey who were awarded our 2025 School Captains. They will be confidently supported by our St Kieran's Vice Captains, Evie, Lucy, Cooper and Bailey.
Our 2025 Sports Captains will be Eliza and Brooklyn who will lead all our Year 6 House Captains pictured below. We are very excited about the leadership opportunities for our Year 6 cohort in 2025.

Conveyance Allowance
The Conveyance Allowance application is now open for term 1 for any families that qualify for the travel allowance as per the criteria below.
You may apply to claim this Government Allowance if:
- You live more than 4.8 kilometres by the shortest practical route from our school and we are the closest Catholic school to your place of residence.
- You live more than 4.8 kilometres from our school and you cannot access a bus.
- You access a bus and live more than 4.8 kilometres from the bus stop.
- You must lodge a new application each year.
Eligibility is assessed when the School completes your child’s application on the Government Student Conveyance Allowance System (SCAS). If approved, the allowance payable is based on the one way distance to make the journey to and from school. No private car allowance is payable if the journey to and from school could be made using a public transport service or contract school bus.
Tuckshop and CDF Pay Information

Please note that Hot Dogs will NOT be available on the Tuckshop menu until further notice. The oven and stovetop in the hall needs replacing.
Did you know you can cancel your own childs orders before 9am on the new app. Click on orders on the bottom of the screen, find the order and cancel before the cut off time!
Sports Report
On a beautiful sunny day, the St Kieran's swimming team walked to the Moe Outdoor Pool to compete in the District Swimming Carnival. Representing the school with pride and enthusiasm, all students gave their best in every race. Many of our kids brought home ribbons and had great swims, showcasing their hard work and determination.
Congratulations to all who participated for their exceptional efforts. Special recognition goes to those who have advanced to the Division level. Good luck in the next round! We’re so proud of your accomplishments and look forward to even more success in the future! Keep swimming strong St Kieran’s!

St Kieran’s Athletics Day - Thursday 20th March
Our annual school Athletics Day is fast approaching. The students have been busy preparing in their PE lessons. We look forward to welcoming our school community to this exciting event on the 2025 calendar.
Date: Thursday, 20th March
Location: Joe Carmody Athletics Track, Newborough
Time: Gr 2-6 9.15am – 12.30pm Foundation & Year 1 10.30am – 12.30pm
Families are encouraged and welcome to come along and support our students.
- Each classroom teacher will need at least two parent helpers on the day. If you are able to assist, please send Mr A an email –
The success of this event is definitely a whole school community achievement. The more help the merrier. We look forward to a fabulous day with you all.
Mr Eddie McGillavray
Physical Education Teacher
NAPLAN - Yr 3-5
In the week following the Labour Day Long Weekend, our Year 3 and 5 students will sit NAPLAN Online. All tests are completed using the school’s Chromebooks, with the exception of Year 3 Writing, which is handwritten. The Year 3 and 5 students will complete the following tests:
- Writing - Wednesday 12th March
- Reading - Thursday 13th March
- Conventions of Language - Friday 14th March
- Numeracy - Monday 17th March
Results will be received mid-year and an individual report will be provided to families displaying your child’s achievement.
School Closure Day - Friday 7th March
St Kieran’s will have a school Closure Day this Friday 7th March. Monday is Labour Day Public Holiday - enjoy an extra long weekend!
Staff will attend school on Friday for professional development.
Please be aware the CCTV cameras are installed across the school premises for safety and security.
Mental Health in Primary Schools
FREE Webinar 19 March 2025 - Digital Media Literacy & Safety (Part 1)
SchoolTV would like to invite parents, carers, grandparents, educators and school leaders to attend an exclusive webinar supporting primary and secondary students.
WEBINAR: Digital Media Literacy & Safety (Part 1)
DATE: Wednesday, 19 March 2025
TIME: 7:00 pm
This presentation is Part 1 of a two-part series.
Join us for an exclusive session with two of Australia's leading experts in youth wellbeing and cybersafety, Dr Michael Carr-Gregg and Susan McLean. Gain invaluable insights on how to empower young people to navigate the online world safely and responsibly.
Topics in this session will include:
- New Regulations on Social Media
- Cyberbullying
- Exposure to Hate Speech
- Online Safety and Fraud
**** IMPORTANT **** Please note, this webinar is a one-off event and will not be available to replay later.
To register, scan the QR code found on the promotional material below.
Mindfull Aus
Healthier Hearts & Lighter Minds - a proactive approach to learning about the beauty of our minds and the understanding of the strength we are to ourselves when we tap into positive thinking and an open mind.
Mindfull Aus worked with the students from F - 2 to facilitate fun, energetic and relatable content in ways that can help shift the narrative about talking about emotions and feelings. It was a great day of social and emotional learning for the students . Please look at the video above for our Foundation students participating in Mindfull Aus.
Upcoming Events
NAPLAN - Year 3 and 5
12 Mar 2025 - 24 Mar 2025 |
St Kieran's Athletics Carnival
All day |
Year 3 Day Camp - The Summit
All day |
Last Day of Term 1
All day |
School Closure Day
All day |
First Day of Term 2
All day |
ANZAC Day Public Holiday
All day |