Specialist Classes
Our Arts direction and emphasis is dependent on curriculum topics and or events. We have a well-equipped Art Room. Our specialist Art teacher takes children through a variety of experiences to develop children’s understanding of, and appreciation of the arts. We also have outside performers come into the school so the children are able to experience The Arts on different levels.

Physical Education
Our Physical Education program aims to help children master fundamental motor skills. These include throwing, kicking, striking, ball control, running, dodging and fitness. It also helps them to appreciate the enjoyment of sport and games. Tennis lessons are held once a week for all the children from Prep to Year 6. Senior children are involved in a Round Robin competition with the other schools in the Moe /Newborough area. The children compete in football, soccer, netball, volley stars and softball. We hold a whole school Athletics Carnival each year. The children from Years Prep to Two are involved in an array of novelty and track events. The older children compete in various track and field events. Some children go on from these to represent the school in the Zone Athletics Sports.
Digital Technology
Each class has an interactive white board or Apple TV installed that is used for learning and teaching in all areas of the curriculum. Our school is equipped with laptops and iPads which enable all children to access and learn through technology. All children are provided with specialist ICT classes during their time at St Kieran's where they use programs including Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, Paint, Excel and Movie Maker. Students also have access to the internet and their own individual school email address.
The Library Resource Centre (LRC) is a facility of which we are very proud. The Library Resource Centre is open before school at 8:30am and after school from 3.00- 3.15pm. We encourage children to be independent readers, and with guidance to, take responsibility for their borrowing. Children borrow both take home books to read and picture storybooks. We encourage parents to assist their children in the selection of books. Staff are available to assist. Parents are also very welcome to come to the LRC to borrow, browse, read, or just to be sheltered from inclement, hot or cold weather. All books must be computer processed before leaving the LRC. To help with the care of books, children must have a LIBRARY BAG. Some Library Bags are available from the LRC, COST: $2.00 each.
Our music program introduces students to different fun aspects of the creative musical process. These include singing, movement, listening activities, practical demonstrations of different instruments and hands-on use of tuned and un-tuned instruments. Students experience an array of different genres of music to listen to and discuss and selected students are encouraged to participate in Eisteddfod performances and Musical productions.
Mandarin classes are provided for all children from Prep to Year 6. The children learn about China, the culture and language. The children learn to speak and write in Mandarin. St Kieran’s is very fortunate to have a Chinese speaking specialist to teach the students. An extension Mandarin program is also offered for children that have a strength in learning new languages quickly.